Have you have inserted a series of members, as an example joists, and then need to make all of them longer or shorter? Select one of them, then right click and select Select All Similar, to selec
Added flexibility for your designs with the new tapered column feature.
Convert a closed 2D shape to a profile used for members and trim.
Once a member is inserted it can be adjusted to match the plane of another surface. For example, you insert a frieze board and want to align it to match the gable end of a wall. Left click to sel
This video shows how to create and insert an arched bracket for post frame construction using a convert polyline to profile command in Cadsoft Envisioneer
The member command in Envisioneer is very versatile — a member can be any size, shape and made from any material. So think outside the box and when you need a tiled backsplash, make a member the
When you insert elements into a model using Cadsoft software, the bottom area of the screen will always prompt you with directions, this area is referred to as the “Commander” area. When you inse